Misiewicz Krzysztof

b_250_200_16777215_00___images_biogramy_misiewicz-krzysztof.jpgI have been graduated at Warsaw University. I have done my postgraduate studies at University of Warsaw, Faculty of History and Geology (specialization archaeological geophysics). Since 2009 I am a professor at the Laboratory of Applied Sciences of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences. I worked in many archaeological expeditions: at islands of Murano and Torcello in Venice; Arae Flaviae (Rottweil), Adelberg, Hirsau, Ladenburg, Konstanz in Germany; Old Dongola, Banganarti in Sudan; Tanais, Russia; Ptolemais, Libya; Akrai, Sicily; Palasa Syrt, Valicent and Gotsatle in Dagestan). I have been awarded by Rector of Warsaw University for the best doctor thesis of the year at 1981 and East European Award of the Ferdinad Bosch Foundation at 1994 and 1995. I am a member of the Polish Archaeologist Scientifically Society, the European Geophysical Society and the International Society of Archaeological Prospecting.

Selected recent publications
1. (with Małkowski W.), Topographical and Geophysical Prospection of  Ptolemais, (in:) Polish Archaeological Research in Ptolemais (Cyrenaica) in years 2001-2007, Libya Antiqua 5, 2010, p. 99-109.
2. (with Małkowski W., Muszyńska M.), The topography of Ptolemais, Preliminary results of geophysical surveys, Archeologia 59, 2008 (2010), p. 73-80.
3. (with Chowaniec R., Akrai, Sicily. Non-destructive researches in 2009, Archeologia LIX, 2008 (2010), p. 173-186.
4. (with Małkowski W., Reconstruction of the city grid of ancient Ptolemais on the base of results of non-invasive surveys, (in:) Archaeological Prospection - 9th International Conference, M. G. Drahor, M. A. Berge (eds.), Izmir 2011, p. 16-21.
5. Non-invasive survey of Christian Basilicas at Ptolemais, Światowit VIII(XLIX), 2009-2011, p. 31- 37.
6. Geophysical surveys at Ptolemais in 2007-2009, (in:) Żelazowski et al. (eds.) Polish Archaeological Research in Ptolemais (Libya) in 2007–2009. Preliminary Report, Światowit VIII(XLIX), 2009-2011, p. 27-28.
7. (with Lenarczyk S., Lewartowski K.,), Ptolemais (Libya) 2010, Światowit VIII(XLIX), 2009-2011, p. 195-197.

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dr Roksana Chowaniec
assistant professor

Institute of Archaeology
University of Warsaw
Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28
PL 00-927 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 5522827
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